Letter to Parents| Planned NEU strike action

Dear parents and carers, Planned NEU strike action  Further to my last letter regarding the school’s position in view of the strike action announced by the National Education Union (NEU), I am writing to give you notice of the impact this will have on our school ways of working during planned strike days.  The final dates of NEU strike action are:  Wednesday 15 March 2023 & Thursday 16 March 2023  As you are aware, over 90% of our school’s teachers are members of the NEU and may be on strike, therefore the provision we offer in school on the above dates will be substantially restricted to ensure the safety of any students on-site is maintained at all times, with sufficient staff-student ratios.  All decisions on this have been taken in line with guidance provided by the DfE, Partnership Learning Trust, the local authority and the relevant unions.  I once again ask parents to note that each school will be affected to a varying extent, depending on the numbers of teachers who are NEU members.  The actions which schools have to take at this time will not all be the same, but will reflect their individual circumstances.  Wednesday 15 March 2023 & Thursday 16 March 2023  School will only be open for young people who are identified as vulnerable, as a priority.  The families of these young people have been contacted by our inclusion teams for previous strike days to confirm arrangements.   As the vast majority of teaching staff will be engaged in the strike action, therefore not in school, we will be unable to offer a normal timetable or regular taught lessons. Students who are on-site on this day will be supervised by support staff and any remaining teaching staff to complete work.  There will be a small number of places available for children of key workers who do not have alternative provision to care for their young children on this date.  Parents are required to complete the form (link at the end of this letter) to request a place – parents who have already provided this information do not need to resubmit their request.  Please note, completion of the form will not guarantee a place for your child on this day.  You will receive confirmation of whether a place can be offered by Monday 13th March.  Free School Meals will be available to those eligible from 11.30am – 1.30pm from the secondary site.  There is provision for supervised study for students who are in Year 11 or Year 13, with a specific provision on these two days for students who study GCSE Art.  If parents would like to request a place for their child to attend this, please complete the form below.  Otherwise, students who will be sitting exams this year will be given guidance on how to direct their studies at home on this date.   I appreciate that this is a significant change to our normal ways of working and I would like to again express my appreciation of your cooperation at this time.    Yours faithfully,  Clare Cross  Principal  Request for keyworker place during strike action  Y11 / Y13 Supervised study request form   Y11 GCSE Art supervised study request form